October 26, 2021

Halloween – The Origins Of Treat Or Treating And Most Popular Outfits For Kids

Trick-or-treating, the tradition of children knocking on doors and ringing doorbells to ask for treats has been happening for more than a century across a range of countries. But where does the tradition come from, and what are the most common Halloween costumes for kids?

Halloween has its roots in the ancient, pre-Christian Celtic festival of Samhain, which was historically celebrated on October 31st. The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in Ireland, the UK and northern France, believed that the dead returned to earth on the Samhain. On this sacred night, people gathered to pay homage to the dead and light bonfires. Many of the cultural traditions celebrated by the Celtic people on Samhain have evolved into what we know today as Halloween. For example, villagers would commonly disguise themselves in animal skins to scare away phantom visitors, which has evolved into the tradition of dressing up for Halloween.

Food has also been a large part of old Halloween traditions. In the ninth century, as Christianity spread into Celtic lands, a practice known as “souling” emerged. In this cultural tradition, poor people would visit the houses of wealthy people and ask for a pastry known as a “soul cake” in exchange for a promise to pray for the homeowner’s dead relatives. This practice was later taken up by children, who asked for gifts such as food, money and ale. “Souling” later evolved into “guising”, in which children would perform a trick to homeowners in exchange for gifts, such as sweets and chocolate coins.

These traditions have evolved into the Halloween we know today. But what are the most common Halloween costumes for children?

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  1. Witch
  2. Devil
  3. Ghost
  4. Cat
  5. Clown
  6. Dinosaur
  7. Superheroes – like Spiderman and Batman!
  8. Ninja
  9. Rabbit
  10. Angel

Recent trends in Halloween costumes have moved back towards more traditional costumes, such as ghosts and devils. This year, the most searched Halloween costume has been a witch- which is why it is predicted to be the most popular costume this year. DIY costumes are also particularly popular, from the classic white sheet with eye holes cut out for a ghost costume, to nose and whiskers painted on with makeup for cat costumes.

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